About Mark… He is a 6 foot tall ape descendant and no-one is trying to drive a by-pass through his house (Sorry Douglas)… in fact, it isn’t even his house. I am a web application developer who, through no fault of my own, specialises in Classic ASP. I am just as easily at home coding in C#, PHP or Perl. I am very good with HTML, CSS and I am especially good with JavaScript for some strange reason.
I have recently decided to get a development/tutorial website going and this is the end of my quick trying to find a domain name.
This is all about development using a variety of different languages and techniques. I have been doing web application development using Classic ASP, PHP and Perl (to a much lesser extent) as well as some C# and ASP.Net.
I will be using this site to display various different fun segments of code that I have created over the years. I am also going to use it to demonstrate my skills using various MVC frameworks for PHP and Ruby on Rails.